I needed some fixer, so I went to Albuquerque's one remaining camera store,
Camera & Darkroom, to pick up a bottle. While there I pawed through some boxes of junk and turned up a +3 close-up lens that I could put into a screw-in adapter for my Retina Reflex.
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I have these little close-up accessory lenses for each of my slr cameras. They are not as seamless in operation as a genuine macro lens, but they are cheap, effective, and they work even with fixed lens cameras like the Retina Reflex. When I'm not using the Retina Reflex for macro work I mount the little rubber Kodak lens hood to help reduce lens flare. The hood can also be used on my Retina rangefinders which have the same Xenon lens.
(click to view images at full size)
The leaf shutter of Retina Reflex sits between the front and rear lens groups, so that gives the camera a very narrow front-to-back profile which makes the camera nice to carry on a neck strap. And, like the similarly equipped Contaflex, the Retina Reflex can be stuffed into a jacket pocket when necessary. That compactness and enhanced portability more than make up for the absence of an instant-return mirror, which just takes a little getting used to.
I popped on over to the web site for Camera & Darkroom. It is so nice to see a local camera shop alive and healthy. Great photos of the inside of the store as well! While it's super convenient to shop for photo gear and supplies online, there's still something really special about visiting a brick and mortar photo store...but then again, I am old! :-)
Camera & Darkroom does have an amazing assortment of classic photo gear. The prices are mostly out of range for me, but I do try to buy supplies there to support the continued existence of the place. I have not been to the Santa Fe branch in some time, but I think they also have a pretty good selection of photo stuff.
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