We awoke to heavy clouds and wet streets. It seemed a perfect day to visit the Rio Grande Zoo with my Spotmatic and the 75-230mm Yashinon zoom. The big old lens retains good sharpness even wide-open, but the lens' f/4.5 aperture and the not-too-bright screen of the SP makes finding the perfect focus point a challenge. With the zoo animals always in motion, one is never sure if the decisive moment made it onto the film. At the end of my visit I was really uncertain what my scans would reveal. As I pulled out of the zoo's parking lot in my truck I switched on the radio, and there was Dave Brubeck playing Take Five ! I took it as a good omen.
Complaint |
Pretender |
Snack |
Bird Watching |
The cheetah insisted on color, so I switched to my little Lumix digital and posted the results on
my other blog.
Wildlife photography really demands a good digital camera. Even confined in the zoo, the subjects are always in motion. Fast focus, auto-exposure, quick cycling, burst shooting and unlimited capacity greatly enhance the chances of catching the moments you want. I'm thinking it is time I sell some of my little-used film cameras and invest in a digital to shoot at the zoo. (Also, the price of color film has gone way beyond what I am willing to pay.)