I put a roll of 120 through my No.1A Pocket Kodak at the car show. This picture of a '48 Fleetline was the only one I liked of the six frames.
Shooting a 127mm lens handheld at 1/50 is really pushing the envelope. I used a cable release to cut down on camera jiggle, but one needs a solid support to get the most from this camera. I also need to take care of that leak along the bottom of the image.
Whatever other gear I lug along on my photo outings, the little Olympus mju often finds a pocket to ride in. My main objective is usually a monochrome rendering, but one can't always ignore the possibilities of color, particularly with subjects like classic cars, so I loaded some Fuji 200 color film in the mju on this occasion.
Albuquerque's car show season got underway today at Worldwide Automotive where all comers got a free lube, oil and mechanical check. Quite a few of the cars will likely show up in mid-May at the Albuquerque Museum 27th Annual Car Show.
The brilliant viewfinder makes the Argoflex Forty one of my favorites. I also like it for its stealth factor -- though it looks like a cheap box camera, it has very nice picture-making capabilities due to its coated, focusable lens and reliable shutter. I haven't shot the camera much yet due to an intermittent light leak, but today I figured out that the leak was in the vicinity of the back hinge, and a strip of black tape took care of the problem.