Thursday, October 10, 2024

Spanish Broom 2

As I have said many times before, what I enjoy the most about Albuquerque's annual Balloon Fiesta is the afternoon musical performances which take place in Old Town.  On Saturday we had the opportunity to enjoy a second encounter with the Spanish Broom Flamenco group. 

What this experience revealed to me was the importance of the performance venue to  Flamenco style.  We watched, along with a large audience, the group this time dancing on the stage of the gazebo in the Plaza Vieja.  The strong voice of the cantaora along with the guitar, the cajón and dancers' footwork produced the expected irresistible rhythm.

The Spanish Broom group delivered a very polished performance as was true of the first time we saw them.  However, the effect was much less impactful on the stage than it had been in the small plaza where we had first encountered the group.  Flamenco is a musical style that is really best suited to intimate settings.  On a stage surrounded by a large audience the nuances of tapping feet, cajón and hand clapping become hard to perceive.
  In the intimate setting of a small cafe or a little plaza the performers can better show off their individual styles and techniques, and the audience can fully appreciate the gestures and expressions which are an essential part of the performance.


JR Smith said...

These are exceptional images. Makes me feel like I am there.

Mike said...

Thanks. The contrast between the shaded gazebo and bright background is always a challenge. The performances of the Spanish Broom group are always inspiring.