Monday, May 25, 2020


I took my Nikon FE on a couple walks on both sides of the river.  I decided to try processing the FP4+ in L110 following the recommendation for time and temp at the Covington HC110 site.  Nine minutes turned out to be way too long and I got very dense negatives.  Luckily, FP4+ turns out to have very good latitude for a relatively slow film and I was able to rescue a few shots.


JR Smith said...

I like the shot of the end of the log! I've a few rolls of this film and have shot one so far. Still need to learn my way around it.

Mike said...

It seems from my experience to be a film that can be easily pushed a couple stops.

Jim Grey said...

Are you still using that old scanner? You keep getting such excellent results, such nuanced tones.

Mike said...

Yep, same old flatbed scanner connected to a Windows XP machine. I'm hoping we're all good for a couple more years.