I went out for a late-morning ride and found hundreds of cranes and Canada geese in the fields of the Los Poblanos Open Space. I went home for the Pentax and a telephoto, but by the time I returned most of the birds were gone, likely toward a next stop at the Bosque del Apache refuge 90 miles to the south. I'm hoping to get back to Los Poblanos again, and will try some different film and lens combinations.
They look too big to fly! That's a mighty fine lens you have there. Nice subtle colors too.
My Mamiya 135 is a great lens, but for this purpose it should be about 4x longer. I used a 2x telextender for these shots; that works ok in good light, but you lose a couple f-stops in the process as well as dof. I may try a 3x next time, but I should really get a longer prime lens.
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