Since I had my Foth Derby in my pocket, that was what I used to shoot with, though it wouldn't be my first choice as a camera for architectural subjects.

The picture below was made of the same subject some time ago, using the Ikonta 521/16. The Novar lens on Zeiss is a three-element anastigmat much like the one on the Foth Derby, but the larger format clearly gives the 521/16 the edge for this subject.

Predock's design studio is not far from from where I live in Albuquerque. The city is home to several of his creations in addition to the Architecture School including the La Luz residential development, the Rio Grande Nature Center, and the Mesa del Sol Town Center. All of those buildings and hundreds of others around the world are featured on his web site. Also prominently featured at both the web site and the UNM exhibit are samples of his big motorcycle collection, and his thoughts on a variety of his many interests. Some of those interests were touched on in a 2007 interview of the architect by Vladimir Paperny.
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