The patent date on the inside of this Ansco Buster Brown is Sept. 20, 1910. At around the same time, several companies were making very similar horizontal-style folding cameras with wooden bodies, including Kodak, Blair, and the Boston Camera Company.
The lens on my camera is a nicely ground and mounted, single-element menisicus which is located behind the shutter and aperture. The shutter, with options for "T,B and I", was probably manufactured by Wollensak. The aperture offers Universal System choices of "8,16,32 and 64", which correspond to the f-stops, f11, f16, f22 and f32.
The release for the latch that permits opening the back is on the
inside-front of the camera, just above the back of the bellows.
Pressing the release allows the back to detach completely. Two long,
polished leaf springs provide adequately for film flatness and tension.
The wooden film spool is for 120-format film, still available today.
My camera came to me in pretty good shape considering its age. I glued
down a few loose edges of the black exterior covering, and I soaked the
shutter overnight in lighter fluid to get it operating properly. The
"Instant" setting appears to be about 1/25th of a second.
My inspiration for acquiring the Buster Brown was the photo
below of my grandmother, taken as she sat in a canoe on a Wisconsin
pond, possibly before the birth of my mother in 1917.
Looking at the proportions of her camera, I think it was probably not
the same 120-format as mine, but rather one of the larger, now obsolete
formats which yielded post-card size contact prints.
More photos from the Buster Brown
Early Ansco cameras (Butkus)