Monday, December 21, 2020

The Zoo in Winter

 We visited the Rio Grande Zoo in Albuquerque by appointment on Friday afternoon and saw very few other people there.  We were pleased to find the spectacular new penguin exhibit open, but besides ourselves there were only a man and his small son there.  The interior lighting is far too dim for any film I might be using.

The peacocks which freely roam around the zoo seem ready to display mate seeking behavior regardless of the season.

When we stopped to view many of the animals in their enclosures there were often no other visitors in sight.  I was surprised to find how that altered my experience.  For me there was a prevailing feeling of abandonment.  It seems unlikely that the animals would be so affected, but who really knows what their experience is?

The camera for this outing was my Hikari 2002; its great virtue is that it makes use of the always excellent  Pentax K-mount lenses.  All of the zoo shots were made with the SMC Pentax-A 1:2.8 135mm.  I was pleased to see that my Unicolor C-41 processing was still working well with the seventh roll through the current chemical kit, in this case Kodak ColorPlus 200.

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