This picture of a 1950 Chevrolet was made with a Kodak Retina I of the same vintage. Clicking on the front page image will open a new window displaying a photo of the same car at an Alamogordo car show; it was made with a Kodak No. 2 Folding Hawkeye Special, dating from about 1930...My grandfather had a car similar to this when I was a teenager in Seattle; not quite the same, though. His was a cream and brown business coupe with just a platform in the back rather than the seat, and his also lacked the fender skirts, headlight eyelids, and window shade of the deluxe model pictured...The car before was a green 1939 Chevy coupe; he gave it to me when he got the '50 model, and I proceeded to tear it to pieces, and never got around to driving it -- he must have thought I was nuts...I think my grand-dad's last car was a black '56 Chevy two-door -- very sleek looking with its shiney chrome trim. He was a Chevy guy.