The first thing I noticed strolling into the Plaza Vieja on Friday morning was some very loud music and this dog sitting beside the gazebo. The vest indicated he was a service dog and it appeared one of his service talents was musical appreciation.
I stopped to pet the dog, and got talking with his owner who was wielding the highly amplified guitar. I learned the dog's name was Papito, and his real mission in life was the pursuit of the cloth frisbee seen lying in the shadow to the lower right. I tossed the frisbee as instructed and it was clear that this was an activity with unlimited possibilities.
Papito's owner related a bit of his life story, including an addiction to gambling which had resulted in a recent large loss and some thought of putting out his hat next to the gazebo for some grocery money. I snapped a quick shot up through the railing of the gazebo and then walked past a funeral in progress at San Felipe de Neri and on to Church Street.
I heard my name called and there was our friend, Mary, with her four sisters from Silver City, mid-way through their own Old Town stroll. It seemed an extraordinary event. I had not recalled that she had mentioned coming from such a large family of sisters. They must have been a phenomenon while growing up in that little New Mexico town.
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