
Monday, February 12, 2024

Leah - Idaho - 1980

 Margaret made a deep dive into the clutter on her desk and turned up this photo made beside the corral of our house in King Hill.  I don't recall the details of this bow, but the size seems to suit her.  I would have still been shooting my 30# Fred Bear brought from San Francisco.  Must have been a drugstore print as I was not doing any film processing in those days, and certainly no scanning.  The camera could only have been our Spotmatic.


  1. Charming smile. Is this picture 10, 20, 40 years old?

  2. Lovely shot. I wonder if this image would have been lost to the ages if it weren't printed.

  3. Good point. The computer I had in those days was a Sinclair with a printed keyboard. Storage was via a portable magnetic tape recorder. An image would likely have taken up a whole tape cartridge and those were not real efficient or durable. I think I would also be hard pressed to come up with a negative now.


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