
Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Pen-FT - Roll 2

 The Day of the Dead events got underway during the weekend with a line of pickups in the Plaza Vieja decked out with ofrendas.  I had the Pen-FT loaded this time with Kentmere 100.  That gave me finer grain images than the 400-speed film of the previous roll, though in this instance I think I prefer the deeper tonal range and the enhanced depth of field provided by the faster film.  Too early to make any judgements about those issues, but I think it will be interesting to try some C-41 in both b&w and color.

The obligatory final picture of my cat was made with the F. Zuiko lens wide open at f1.8.


  1. Another fine series from the Pen-FT. I believe this model has the built-in meter...does it work and are you using it?

  2. The meter seems to be working well. However, it does rob a little light from the finder. Given my old eyes, a meterless F-model might have been the better choice. Over all though, I'm pretty happy with the performance of my FT.

  3. P.S.
    Happy as I am with the performance of my Pen-FT I would really like to get some additional lenses for the camera, including a wide-angle and a telephoto. I am not willing to lay out the cash to acquire such lenses which are often priced at the $200 to $400 level. However, I would be willing to make a fair trade for such lenses in exchange for almost any camera in my (overly) large collection. About the only cameras I am not willing to part with are my Leica IIIa and my Nikon F. All the cameras in my collection are listed in the right column of the blog.

  4. I love the pumpkins and the water glasses. Great light, nice job. And there is the elusive cat.

  5. I did not find any very good Day of the Dead costumes at the weekend events, but did manage to give the Pen-FT some exercise. I think the cat picture was at f1.8 and I was pleased with that result. Also happy to find that a small malfunction in my SilverFast scanning program did not put me out of business.


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