
Sunday, September 10, 2023

Film Wasting

 An ill spent couple of hours in Old Town.  Nice overcast light.  A camera and lens that have always made nice pictures for me.  I'm tempted to blame the results on the film having gone through at least two airport x-ray scans.  More probably, I was just careless with my shooting technique.  

I nearly always get home with a couple shots left on the roll in the camera.  Very often they turn out to be the frames I like best.  (I know I said the same thing yesterday, but it seemed like something worth repeating.)


  1. I know what you mean. When there is no expectation, the outcome can be a very pleasant surprise 🙂.

  2. I was irritated with myself for missing some good shots and I had a pretty poor success rate with the roll. My wife's welcome home smile helped ease the pain.

  3. I like the Blackbird Coffeehouse shot. Too bad the car was parked there.

  4. I did picture this scene in the past without cars. In this instance I felt the inclusion of the car provided some balance and context.


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