Late summer rain caused a burst of growth in the riverside forest and cooler weather has brought some color to the foliage. Trails beside the river are muddy and there are big white mushrooms growing everywhere -- something I had not seen here before.
I shot a roll of expired Fuji 400 at 200 in my Nikon F with the Nikkor 1.8/50mm lens. This was the 12th roll through my current Cinestill C-41 kit. I developed for seven minutes at 95 degrees.
I heard a few Sandhill Cranes during my walk, so I'll get back to the river soon to try for some pictures of them. I managed to clean the fungus off the front elements in a Vivitar 70-210 zoom which was given to me some time ago, and am looking forward to seeing how that performs.
You found a sunglasses tree, very useful.