
Friday, February 04, 2022


We had a couple inches of snow overnight in Albuquerque.  It seemed like a good excuse to make some pictures for February's International Brownie Camera Days.  I found one more roll of Acros in the refrigerator, rolled it onto a 620 reel and loaded it into my Brownie Hawkeye Flash.  I shot half the roll on a walk around the neighborhood, and finished it off with some shots of Roxie in the yard using the No.13 close-up attachment.

I'll try to get out with a couple more of my Brownies in the remainder of February.
(February is also Black History Month.)


  1. Nice Brownie shots! Reminds me of the reason I no longer live where it snows. :-)

  2. Albuquerque seldom sees more than two inches of snow and it is always gone by noon. So the big problem here is getting a picture of the white stuff before it disappears.

  3. We had a nice load of snow in DC a couple of weeks ago, and once I learned that you need to over-expose by 2 stops, I got some decent results. I used inter alia a Brownie Twin 20, which has a nice wind-on mechansim.

  4. I've seen nice pictures made with those later Brownies, and I always appreciate their brilliant viewfinders.


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