
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Exploring the Bosque

 I took a long walk with my 1A Pocket Special in the riverside forest at the east end of the Paseo del Norte bridge.  I saw some bike riders and skaters on the paved path that parallels the river, but no other people after that.  

I got six-and-one-half frames from this roll of Tri-X using some expired 120 Tri-X.  I think the century-plus camera has performed very well, but it is starting to show its age; there are some small light leaks appearing on the negatives and the ancient leather covering is disintegrating.  I think I will give the camera a well-deserved rest and move on to using a couple of my other, newer 116 Kodaks along with the very helpful 116 to 120 adapters.


  1. I love the shot taken from under the bridge. You handled a difficult lighting situation brilliantly!

  2. I took that shot partly to challenge the film's capacity to render a good range of tones, but I also liked the triangular shapes in the water and on the wall. There is a whole big gallery of artwork leading up to the river.

  3. I like the stump; nice textures. Is that shape from beaver chew? Also, amazing for a 100-year-old camera

  4. Yes, there must be quite a few beavers around here, but you never see them. I'm told they don't build dams here, but rather nest in holes in the riverbanks. We do see the wide tracks they make across the sandy beaches.


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