
Monday, January 11, 2021


 I took a morning walk along Central Ave with my Nikon F.

While I was taking some shots through the front display window of The Man's Hat Shop the owner invited me inside to make some pictures.  With slow film and a 105mm lens I wasn't confident of getting anything, but the Nikkor-P proved itself up to the challenge.


  1. You seem to really be getting along with that F. I have to admit, with all of my Nikon cameras, I have never shot the original Nikon SLR. I have the F2, F3, F4, FE, FA, FM2n, FE2 and for a brief time, owned the F5. Cannot afford the F6.

    The F with the non-metered prism is the Nikon SLR in its purest form I think. Not sure why I have not owned one yet. But there is still time. :-)

  2. Nikon F prices are all over the map on ebay. I got mine on the local Craigslist for a song along with a nice f1.4/50. Just getting to mine now at this late stage, I'm pretty sure I should have bit the bullet and bought one new.

  3. Nice negatives! The F was the original tough and versatile camera, and it almost single-handedly put the Germans out of business in the SLR realm. I liked mine. I am sometimes tempted to ask my friend, to whom I sold it, if he'd like to sell it back. However, I have far too many 35mm cameras as is. I also like the hat store. When my Panama wears out, I'll drive over to Albuquerque and buy another example.

  4. What? You have too many cameras? How can that be?
    The hat store is quite a place; I think it has been there for 75 years. It would be fun to spend time there to document the place and the staff at work.


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