
Monday, November 16, 2020

Fall Skies

My last roll of Fuji 200.  Lots of processing issues.  I have some Kodak ColorPlus 200 on the way.  I may try some CineStill developer again.


  1. You got some deep, rich blues, at least.

  2. I've had frustrating, inconsistent results with my color processing over several months. I'm going to concentrate more on my b&w for a while, but I'm reluctant to give up color completely.

  3. ColorPlus has really surprised me. Very consistent results.

  4. I liked the results I got from ColorPlus in the past, but I was not able to find it anywhere for quite a while. I think I'll try one roll of this batch with my current Unicolor kit. If that doesn't give me satisfactory results I'll switch to Cinestill C-41. I'm a bit pessimistic about prices since Fuji seems to be getting out of the business and there are reports of Kodak jacking up prices at the end of the year.


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