
Monday, October 26, 2020

Walking my mju

The Olympus Infinity Stylus (mju) metering system has an uncanny ability to get the exposure right under any condition of lighting.  

This was my fourth roll of color film in my current Unicolor C-41 kit.  I was pleased to see that the kit is mostly performing as it should.  I decided to see how it would work at a lower temperature and longer time, so I processed for six minutes at 95F.  That seemed about right,  so I'm going to stick with that time and temp, adding 2% on the time for each subsequent roll.  The normally recommended developing time of just 3.5 minutes at 102F is a little too short for comfort, and I'm thinking that a lower temp will also be a little gentler on the emulsion.


  1. The color is very pleasing in these shots!

  2. Thanks. I am pleased this C-41 kit seems to be working ok at the fourth use. I thought I might just stick with black and white, but I found I missed the opportunity to express my view of the world of color. The nice thing about the mju is that it is so reliable that I can rule out any fault with the camera when problems appear.

  3. This little mju works really well. I looked back at some of your older entries where you used this camera, and the results were uniformly excellent (must be the photographer!). It is handy to have a tiny camera with you that you can whip out at an instant. Nice job.

  4. The mju has made a lot of pictures for me. It has two design issues. The flash is on by default when you open the front, so you have to remember to turn that off if you don't want fireworks in the middle of a photo opportunity. The other thing that bites me once in a while is that the auto-focus uses a little patch right in the middle of the viewfinder, so you have to be careful to lightly press the shutter release when everything is properly lined up. Still a great little carry-along camera. I've got some more mju pictures lined up for another post.

  5. Very nice shots and great colors!

    This is also my experience with the mju, it *will* nail the exposure, almost every time, focus is another story, one tad out of the patch and you'll get something else.

    Try to develop the muscle memory of double tap on the flash button when opening the clamshell. Just to forget it on that one shot where the flash was absolutedy not needed.


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