
Saturday, September 19, 2020


 In the Plaza Vieja it is a line of restored classics, with the owners sitting in the shade nearby.

Thanks mostly to the determined leadership of the governor, New Mexico has done pretty well in holding down infection levels compared to its neighbors on either side.  In Albuquerque the rate per 100,000 is just 2.6.  There are some trouble spots in the southeast corner including Chavez County which has a rate ten times higher.  In Lea County nextdoor with a rate of 13 per 100,000 a Republican legislator is trying to sue the State for preventing the reopening of public schools there because of the spike in cases.


  1. We've gotten ours down to 2.8% here. In Northern California at least...everyone seems to be on the same page. Listen to science.

  2. Good to see you are still breathing, JR.
    Being retired seems to be quite an advantage in terms of avoidance of contagion. I stay away from groups of people in confined spaces. My usual routines have not been much affected. It likely helps that I am not naturally gregarious.


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