
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Interesting Times

I was pleased to come across some Fuji 200 on line, so I bought three 3-packs.  I loaded some in my Retina Reflex and took a short walk around the block to shoot some local color with the early morning light.  Then I got on my bike and rode over to Albuquerque's Botanical Garden which was recently reopened to visitors.

Half the pictures lived up to my expectations for the Retina Reflex and its fine Xenon lens.

The rest of the roll showed a variety of bizarre colors and surface imperfections.  Here is the first scan from the roll:

Some tinkering with colors in Photoshop yielded something closer to reality, but not really much better.

Click on the next one to see the dense array of horizontal striations across the whole surface of the image.

I don't have an explanation of what happened with this roll of film.  Nor do I have any idea of how I should proceed now.  The C-41 kit was some re-packaged Unicolor from the Film Photography Project, and this was just the fourth roll through the batch.  The Fuji film came from Freestyle.


  1. The joys of photography! For some reason, even with its imperfections, I just really dig that last shot!

  2. I've had some problems with color processing over the last several months, but nothing this extreme. I'm not very enthusiastic about making the effort to sort things out at this point. I may just need to give it a rest.

  3. That's...just weird. Do you blame the developing kit or the film?

  4. I don't know which component is the problem at this point. I could get a roll of Kodak Color Plus or Gold which would likely answer the question, but I'm pretty impatient with the whole process at this point. I started home processing color six years ago and had virtually no problems with it for the first five, and the processing cost was about a buck a roll. Going back to letting someone else process my color at seven times that cost is just not an option I'm willing to consider.

  5. I wonder if there are some quality control issues with the chemistry? You seem to have a pretty good handle on your variables.

  6. The chems have been my prime suspect, but now I'm uncertain, and there may be more than one issue. Tomorrow morning I'm heading up in the hills with two rolls of black and white.

  7. I think that sounds like a grand plan Mike! Can't wait to see the results.


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