
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Walking the Dog

The dog and I took along the Argoflex on our morning walk to Old Town.  The camera was loaded with a roll of 120 FP4+, re-rolled onto 620 spools.  I reduced the processing time for this roll to seven minutes at 20C in L110.

I liked the mid-tones that resulted from giving the FP4+ a little less time in the developer.  The Argoflex is always a joy to shoot because of its brilliant finder and the reliably nice sharpness from the modest lens and shutter.


  1. Love the reflection in the puddle! That one would make a nice print.

  2. The brilliant finders on a lot of the simple Kodaks are really a big help in finding interesting compositions.

  3. Argoflexes make some of the most unique images. There is a vintage character to them but not overtly so. These photos do a really nice job of showing off the camera’s abilities.

  4. I'm most impressed with the last one, of the branches overhead.

    You keep getting terrific results with FP4. I need to lean harder into that film.

  5. These are superb. Well done with the Argoflex. You have gotten the time, temperature, and agitation routing perfect for FP4 film. I think the last time I used FP4 was in Britain in 1983. It's not that I did not like it, but there were many other films to use and I settled on Panatomic-X and Tri-X Professional. I wonder if any company is packaging brand new 620 film?

  6. I'm comfortable with respooling 120 to 620 reels. The available 620 seem to be all respooled and the price is two or three times the cost of the 120 film.


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