
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Bosque in Winter

The cottonwood forest beside the river seems to be in a state of sleep this time of year.

Shooting the Hikari 2002 is a nice way to make use of my Pentax-M lenses.  The roll of Tri-X was developed in LegacyPro L110 at 1:31 dilution for 6.5 minutes at 20C.  I might give the next roll another thirty seconds, but I thought the L110 nicely handled the grain in this instance.  Semi-stand development would likely reduce the contrast a bit.


  1. I only took a short hike in this area once, many years ago when I was spent a long weekend exploring Albuquerque. I believe it was this time of year. Your photos capture the slumber of the season nicely. Well done!

  2. I walk the trails beside the river at least once a week; one of the nicest things about the city. There was a plan proposed by the last mayor to commercialize a strip along the river to create something like the San Antonio Riverwalk, but that seems to have been shelved for now, much to my relief.


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