
Sunday, November 24, 2019

A midmorning walk with the Retina Reflex


  1. Love the range of tones in these shots. Seems a perfect fit for this camera and lens.

  2. Rodinal and TMAX are a surprisingly good combination. I'm looking forward to trying some new EcoPro developers which I've ordered from Freestyle.

  3. I'm happy to see you give this old girl some exercise.

    My wife's brother's wife lost her father last year. Last time I saw her, she gave me his camera: a Retina Reflex III. The meter doesn't always register, it gives a reading sometimes but not others, but mechanically the camera seems sound. I'll put a roll through it soon.

  4. The Retina Xenon lenses are just amazing -- the equal to any made at the time, I think.

  5. Well done, you have refined the developing time with Tmax 100 perfectly. I suggest you stick with this combination as long as you use 35mm cameras. As you wrote, the 1950s Xenon lenses were superb. Some people buy an adapter and use them with Fuji or micro4/3 cameras.

  6. Rodinal is my fail-safe developer. I actually liked HC-110 better with TMAX and other similar films, but there seems to be a problem with that and some other Kodak developers recently. I've switched to a Freestyle alternative which is said to have identical components. I do like Rodinal and Acros a lot and am hopeful that the reissue of Acros will let me continue with that combination.


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