
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Robert Frank

Interesting that the picture accompanying Robert Frank's obituary in the NY Times shows him holding up an Olympus mju.    I would like to know more about the context of that photo which was made by Dodo Jin Ming.  I see in a search on the subject that the photographer did a book on the later life of Frank.  Pictures of Frank show him sticking with film photography into those later years.  I believe he shot The Americans in the 1950s with a couple Leicas.


  1. I believe I read that about The Americans as well...Leicas.

  2. I had no idea he had died. This seems to have been under-reported. Or perhaps it just got smothered by the political chaos that leads the news every day in my country!

    The Americans was the second photo book I ever bought, many years ago. I still take it off the shelf and flick through it from time to time.

  3. I somehow do not have a copy of The Americans, so I'll have to try to find one. I'll also go by the UNM Fine Arts Library soon to look over some of the books about Frank, and maybe I will find the one by Dodo Jin Ming as well.


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