
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Winter Light

Central New Mexico weather gets complicated in February.  Sunny, warm days create an impression of Spring being just around the corner.  Winter then reasserts itself with numbing cold, gray skies and snow flurries.  Carrying my little Olympus Infinity Stylus in my pocket helps me cope with the unpredictability.


  1. I like the old bus converted into a camper or band bus. If I recall correctly, this was the GM bus that had two engines connected via a complicated transmission. It broke often; it was just too complicated for the era (any maybe any era). Hmm, sounds like the Zeiss Contarex camera, the opposite of "Keep it Simple." Cheers,

  2. You alway get good results with Fuji 200. It doesn't like me. The trees against the winter sky is nice.

  3. This roll seemed to have a bit of a color cast. Luckily, doing my own processing and scanning allows me quite a bit of control over the end result I likely won't do much more Fuji color as nobody locally sells it any longer. I like Kodak Color Plus 200 and it is even a bit cheaper than Fuji.


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