
Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Production

The Costars

The Producer
The Diva
The Executive Producer
The Director
Stray Dog on the Set
Life as a screen play.
Our after-Thanksgiving breakfast with visiting family found us seated in the darkest part of Weck's restaurant on 4th Street.  I guessed at the proper camera settings to suit the low light levels, but missed the mark a few times.  No matter.  I liked everyone's picture anyway.  But, I may have to look for a new location scout.


  1. An enjoyable slice-of-life series! Thank you for sharing. One of my goals in 2019 is some people photography.

  2. We had spent some time the previous night looking at an album of family pictures, so it seemed natural to do some informal portraits at breakfast. The extra/waiter took it well too, and we left him a nice tip.


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