
Saturday, March 24, 2018

K1000 Spring

I decided to try out some newly-acquired K-mount lenses on my Pentax K1000.  The camera is a bit bulky compared to my other Pentax models, but the lack of a split image in the viewfinder is actually an advantage for shooting zooms or with a telextender as it does not black out the center.

I walked around in the National Hispanic Cultural Center and made quite a few shots of the trees which had flowered right on time for Spring's arrival.  The patio beside the restaurant always has nice light too.

The Cultural Center is in the historic Barelas neighborhood and not far from the Rail Yards.

The gates have been opened into the irrigation acequias, but there is not going to be much water coming down the Rio Grande this year.

I shot the church in the Plaza Vieja with the 28mm.  This may be the first time I have used a wide-angle for this subject and it has given me some new ideas for depicting this landmark building.

These two big parabolic reflectors sit outside the children's science museum near our home.  People standing in front of the reflectors can carry on a whispered conversation at a distance of about seventy-five feet.


  1. Now you've got a real camera. A K1000 was my main camera for about 20 years, from tropical jungle to Canadian cold. Keep it up!

  2. The church image is just delightful. You got wonderful brown tones and a brilliant blue in the sky.

  3. I came late to the K1000. I found one in nice condition for a few bucks in a thrift store, made a few shots, cleaned it up and gave it to my grandson. The one I have now came in trade with the meter not working, but I managed to get it going with a bit of wire and solder in the battery compartment.

    The church image was doubly lucky. The frame was toward the end of the 36-shot roll, and as often happens the film buckled on the reel and creased the church shot. Fortunately, a bit of photoshopping corrected the problem.

  4. Oooh my favorite sentimental camera of all time. It's what I did most of my formative years figuring out photography on. They last forever and never complain much.

    You have shared Spring with us in grand style!
    The color is just perfect for the subtleties of this time of year.
    It's probably about time to go out on another photo walk around town.
    Would be fun to get a coffee and catch up.
    Plus I have a newly acquired old Zenit to test out...

  5. The photo walk sound like an excellent idea. Lots of sunshine, blue skies and dramatic clouds lately. Maybe you can give me some pointers on landscape photos which I still don't have much luck with. I'm free about any upcoming day except Easter. You pick the coffee shop and I'll be there.


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