
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Kodak's Finest


  1. Kodak's goal was to put a camera in the hands of every person in America (the world??). They made plenty of 'entry level' snap shot cameras (boxes and instamatics), but they also made some really high performers. Nice shots with that primo optic there Mike.

  2. I checked my '90-'91 McKeown's and found that Kodak accounted for 64 pages of EKC models. Nobody else came close. I don't have any of the top-tier collector models like the Medalist or the Bantam Special, but I do have quite a few from the upper end of the amateur range which were really excellent performers.

  3. those are snappy sharp and just gorgeous!

  4. Thanks Becky. I do like the Xenon lens in the Retinas. I believe it is a 6-element design similar to the Voigtlander Ultron and seems every bit as sharp.


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