
Wednesday, September 06, 2017


I have used Fuji Acros film mostly with my medium format cameras with Rodinal for development.  That has been a favorite combination for a long time. The film's fine grain and tonal qualities always bring out the best of whatever equipment I have used.  I chose recently to try out the film with a good 35mm slr which facilitates exploring selective focus.  I also decided to try developing in HC-110, dilution B.
    I thought the results were pretty good; it is a little difficult to compare with previous medium format results.  I decided that I should probably have given the film another minute in the developer over the 5.5 minutes that The Massive Dev Chart recommends.  I'm going to try that, but I'll probably go back to Rodinal 1:50 for the next roll to provide an opportunity for comparison in small format.


  1. This is a fine portfolio of Acros work Mike.

    Acros has always delivered satisfying results when I use it for my beach photography. It's a very dependable film that renders nice inky blacks, brilliant whites and an especially creamy, dreamy "almost white" shade that reminds me of homemade vanilla ice cream. Acros and Tmax 100 share top spots for my favorite black and white emulsions.

  2. These are truly lovely. Fujifilm should cut you a check, for this is fine advertising for this film. Makes me want to put the roll of Acros currently in my fridge right into a camera.

  3. I had that roll in the Spotmatic for quite a while as you can tell from the variety of subjects. BandH only sells 35mm Acros in 36-exposure rolls, so that is something of a disincentive for me. I probably won't do a lot of 35mm Acros for that reason, but I still like the 120 Acros for my mf cameras, and I can also cut it down with my splitter for use in my Foth Derby,

  4. Nice shots Mike. I especially like the first giraffe and the leaves. It seems a tiny bit grainy for Acros. I have never used HC-110 so I don't have a baseline to set expectations. The tonal range looks beautiful and long and linear, so you might have a trade off with this developer between grain and range (??). As always, keep up the good work!

  5. I started using HC-110 when I was shooting a lot of TMAX. It seemed like HC-110 gave results equal to TMAX developer, but it had better shelf life. Also, HC-110 gives good results with about any film, and it has some useful versatility in regard to dilution. The relationship between dilution and time of development is basically linear -- halve the dilution and double the time. I've also had good results using HC-110 in stand development with Tri-X and similar fast films. The best source of info on HC-110 is the old Covington Innovations site at


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