
Sunday, April 09, 2017

Vintage Weekend

Albuquerque was treated to a visit from a Ford Tri-Motor this weekend.  The "Tin Goose" was a regular visitor to the city in the 1920s and '30s.  I had never seen one in the air before, so it was a real thrill to see it flying.

Quite a few people took advantage of the opportunity to make a 15 minute flight  in the Tri-Motor.  My guess is that people boarding the plane in the 1920s would have been more formally dressed for the occasion -- the men in coats and ties and the women with hats and gloves.

I made these pictures with Amelia Earhart's favorite camera, the Kodak Duo Six-20.  I had a bit of a problem with flim flatness, but managed to salvage a couple shots I liked from the roll of Fuji Acros processed in Rodinal 1:50.  I  also made some color shots with the Olympus Infinity Stylus, so will post some of those when I get them scanned.


  1. These are great! I was going to go out to see it and the weekend got away from me.
    We are fortunate to live in a place that has nice airplanes come through from time to time.

    Very nice photos and a great way to remember the day!

  2. A shame you had trouble with the film. It just feels right somehow to photograph old planes in black and white.

  3. The problem could have actually been with one of the struts not being fully extended. About half the shots were sharp on one side of the image and slightly out of focus on the other. I was in a bit too much of a hurry to check things as there was some time pressure in getting access to the plane. I've experienced worse with my old cameras, and overall was happy with the outcome.

  4. The "shadow under the wing" shot is outstanding! Your choice of camera and film was perfect for the subject matter.

    The Tri-Motor was just here a few weeks ago and I wish I had gone out to the Sonoma County Airport to see it. It's a good measuring stick to see how far commercial aviation has come.

  5. It has been a busy week in Albuquerque for vintage aircraft enthusiasts. The Collings Foundation brought some of their WWII planes here earlier. I decided not to go this time as I have photographed them many times before, and they are now charging fifteen bucks just to get in the gate.


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