
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Monitoring a Car Show

A local custom shop hosted a well-attended car show this morning in Albuquerque.  I took along my Kodak Monitor loaded with TMAX 400.

The low summer sun was already very intense by 10:00 am.  I thought the Anastigmat Special handled the glare quite nicely.

There was a nice mix of custom rods and restored classics.

Below is a 100% enlargement of the 1200 dpi scan showing the fine quality to be had from the four-element lens and the fine-grained TMAX.

I need to try some color on this subject some time soon with the Monitor.

The post-war Chev Fleetline has always been a favorite of mine -- just the right balance of strength and grace in the design.


  1. I'm always glad to see your work with your Monitor. And I like your taste in Chevrolets.

  2. I finished off a roll of Tri-X in the XA at the same event, and I'll try to get that processed today.

  3. That's a very impressive closeup for a Monitor!

  4. With TMAX 400 in the camera I was able to shoot at f-22 and 1/250. Even at six feet from the subject, that gave me quite a bit of wiggle room in my distance estimate.


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