
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Re-engineering Xmas

In the Southwest and much of the rest of the country, the formerly discreet late-year festive days have begun to merge into a combination of Halloween, Day of the Dead, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  So, on November 17th it was time to set the mood with some decorative additions to Albuquerque's Plaza Vieja.  I decided to document the event with my No.1 Kodak Series III folding camera.

To get the job done, the City dispatched its anti-lumberjack crew to build a tree at the south end of the plaza.  A metal frame with tubular branches was hoisted into place with a crane.  

Crew members in cherry pickers started at the top of the tree structure, inserting actual tree branches into the metal branch tubes.

The crew had the tree about half done by the time I came to the end of my roll of 120 TMAX film in my old folder.  When I drove by the next day, the structure was complete, looking quite a lot like an actual tree.

Have a happy HalloweenDayoftheDeadThanksgivingChristmas!


  1. That's the thing about 120 - you sure do get to the end of the roll in a hurry.

  2. 120 TMX - I'm sure you can count the fibers in the worker's shirts if you need to.


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