
Saturday, July 21, 2012


I've added a link in the Elsewhere list over in the right column to the Kickstarter Photography Projects, of which there are currently 106.  Kickstarter provides a way to fund creative ideas through small donations.  Rewards for donors, aside from the satisfaction of supporting a worthy endeavor, include postcards, prints and print collections.  For project originators, a Kickstarter presentation provides not only needed funding, but also an impetus and a structure to get a project under way.

Joshua Marowitz
The photo above is from Joshua Marowitz's  The Natives Salt Print Project.  He's got to within 51% of his goal with twenty days to go.  He will only get funding if the goal is met, so if you've got some spare cash, this looks like an excellent investment in a promising talent.


  1. I just donated to Joshua's cause -- because any trip that involves cameras, road trips, and wildflowers is okay by me!

  2. Great! Hope we get some more supporters joining in.


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