
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Annular Eclipse at Albuquerque

These are digital shots of this evening's eclipse seen from near the Albuquerque airport.
I also shot a roll of Kodak Gold 100 in the Pentax Spotmatic.  If I got anything on the film, I'll put up the pictures tomorrow.

My results on film were less than stellar.  I bracketed exposures widely to try to capture details of the corona extending out from the sun's surface.  However, such subtleties were swamped out by photographic artifacts including flare and reflections from internal lens surfaces.  I probably would have been better off with a conventional telephoto rather than a zoom and a 2x telextender.

There is a Flickr group devoted to pictures of the 2012 annular eclipse with a lot of good shots from all along the path of the event.


  1. It was nice to see the complete picture that ABQ OFFERED TO SEE THE ECLIPSE.We saw a neat one alo but not a complete one at all,
    Looking forward to your film shots.

  2. I love the nearly perfect gradient you got on the middle shot.


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