
Monday, March 12, 2012

El Sueño de Dalí

Could this be the most surreal moment in the life of Salvador Dalí ?

This is the lead photo in a slide show from the Spanish newspaper, El País commemorating today's 100th Anniversary of the Girl Scouts. I don't see any official logos on the cameras, but they all appear to be models that one would expect to see in the hands of Las Girl Scouts in 1960 when the photo was made.  The Brownie Hawkeye Flash is appropriately front and center.  I think I see an Ansco Shur-Flash half hidden in the back row.  Not sure about the others.

The Slate site also has a slide show about the Girl Scouts, along with a thoughtful article comparing the organization and its founders to to Baden-Powell's Boy Scouts.


  1. Now that would be a rare and fantastic find: images of Dali made at the moment with any one of those old box cameras!

  2. Certainly not impossible given the artist's love of publicity. We can be sure none of the girl scouts in the picture got anything usable at the moment depicted since they are all about five feet too close for a box camera shot. Maybe some photos were made before or after the setup.

    I did a quick search and found that there is a street portrait made in 1952 of Dali in the Vivian Maier collection. Must be many more out there awaiting discovery.


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