
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Traveling with the Hawkeye Flash

We took a ride down lonely Highway 6 on Monday.

This abandoned bar is located on a small strip of non-Indian land at the border of the Isleta and Laguna Pueblos.  There is no Wild Horse Mesa on the map of the area.  My guess is that the bar got its name from the title of  the old Zane Grey western novel.  The book was made into a silent film in 1925, and another version was made in 1947.  Next time I'm in the area, I'll see if I can find someone who knows the history of the place.


  1. Fine work with the BHF. And the images shown here could be true to the era of the camera itself.

    At these locations one might also expect to find Walt and Jesse cooking up their next batch. Do you ever encounter those "Breaking Bad" characters around Albuquerque?

  2. The light was coming from the wrong direction for the subject, but the BHF still handled the situration pretty well, I think.

    I see a lot of the film crews around town, but have never come on any celebs I could recognize.

  3. Very nice examples. The Hawkeye flash was the first loaded camera where I pressed a shutter, back in 1960 IIRC. I took the poor little Brownie apart in order to learn how it was made, after one or two rolls.


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