
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring in the Bosque


  1. I like the trees reflected in the water the best. You tagged "Fuji 200" -- is this the basic, inexpensive stuff readily available? That's what I shoot most, mostly because it's, well, inexpensive and readily available.

  2. The Fuji 200 is good stuff. The color seems better than Kodak Gold 100 and the grain is tolerable. None of it is cheap these days, though, when you take the processing into account. I gain a bit by scanning the negs myself, but am getting increasingly reluctant to pay for the results.

  3. Colours look vivid and realistic to me. Aside from the high cost here in this area, the results are more often poor from the local processors , so digital is the best choice for colour.

  4. Beautiful nature shots. Light through leaves is always a wonderful subject. I like those colors in the first one.

  5. These were actually some test shots for a Contaflex which I bought some time ago for reasons which now escape me. I cleaned up the aperture stop-down mechanism, which is the main problem that afflicts these cameras. The lens had been disassembled and required some attention as well. Seems to be working now, so I'll try some more pictures with it sometime soon.


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