I have added a new feature to my web site home page to facilitate showing some of my old camera work. Down in the lower right corner will be found a link called "Sunday Slideshow". I have stored my photos over the years on several photo sharing sites, and all offer an easy way to generate slide shows from directories of images. For this inaugural Sunday, I have turned the big selector knob of my webmaster control panel to the mid-1960s to display one of my personal favorite photo-essays, Chinatown Hip Shots.
Nikon S -- Wikipedia |
Nice. Looking forward to future Sundays.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I appreciate your visits and comments. I may also just make the Sunday Slideshow a regular blog posting as well as a feature of the home page.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking for some time about alternate ways in which I might exhibit my photographs, hopefully without disturbing the basic focus of the web site and the blog. I am partial to solutions which permit people to choose a point of view for themselves.