
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Argus A2F

I've wanted one of these cameras for a long time. I'll get into the reasons for that further along. Suffice for now to note that the A2F is a pre-war model, just like me; and I paid $15 for this one, which is what it cost new. Of course, 1940 dollars were worth over ten times the value of the 2009 greenbacks.


  1. Well done! That Argus seems sharp as a needle. The lens has good contrast as well.

    Thanks for the post about Fassin, very interesting.

  2. I used Kodak Gold 200 as the test roll mostly because that is what I had on hand. It was probably ok, though, as errors in exposure and light leaks are more obvious in color. I didn't find any leaks, but the shutter does seem a bit slower than the rated speeds. Taking that into account, I'll try some 100-speed b&w in the next round. I'm looking forward to the results. The lens is certainly sharp enough, and has the rather extraordinary capacity to focus down to 15 inches.


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