I walked around Nob Hill this morning with one of my old cameras. When I got home, I looked at the pictures and could see that the Southwest Summer is nearly upon us.
I was reminded of some fine words about the subject by Geoffrey Chaucer:
When the month of May was almost past, and I had roamed all the summer's day over the green meadow of which I have told you to gaze upon the fresh daisy, and when the sun out of the south drew towards the west, and the flower was closed and gone to sleep, for darkness of the night which she feared, I sped me full swiftly home to mine house; and in a little shady bower that I have, newly embanked with fresh-cut turves, I bade folk lay my couch, and flowers to be strewn thereon, for joy of the new summer. When I had laid me down and closed my eyes, I fell asleep within an hour.
The rest of the photo set is posted in a thread at the nelsonfoto forum where there are some details of using 35mm in the medium format Dolly.
If you just want to view the photos, they can be displayed as a slide show at Photobucket.