Saturday, November 25, 2006
It didn't take a day in San Francisco for us both to conclude that we should chuck everything and move back to The City. Talking with friends about real estate and rental prices brought us back to reality. We'll find another way to spend more time there sometime soon.
Photos from the trip shot with my old cameras are in five photobucket folders where they may also be viewed in slideshow format:(opens in new window)
At Night
Around Town
Bodega Bay
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I've recently begun making cyanotype prints of some of my favorite images on watercolor paper. The cyanotype process is an antique print making technique which uses light sensitive iron salts in place of the more common silver gelatin. The cyanotype emulsion is hand painted on the paper, which is then sandwiched together with a negative and exposed to the sun for a minute to produce a contact print. Development and fixing of the Prussian blue image is accomplished with a few minutes wash in slightly acidified water.