
Monday, August 28, 2006

My pinhole photograph of a balloon ascension in Las Cruces has been published in the September 2006 issue of The Sun magazine. If you request a free trial issue at the web site, it is likely that you will receive the current one with the photo.

This is an image that scales up well; a big enlargement of it will be displayed in an exhibit of my pinhole work in February at the Rio Grande Theater Gallery in Las Cruces.( I have cancelled the pinhole exhibit. )

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The image of the old Ford and its companion '24 Dodge was made with my pinhole camera. The location was the parking lot of a church in Radium Springs. Free bbq sandwiches, green chiles in the beans, and classic cars. What more could a guy want? A few days later I used the pinhole camera to make a series of pictures of the front end of a mile-long train between Hatch and Rincón.